Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Great questions I need to answer - When did you first know you'd be a successful writer?

I get looks when I tell people I am an author. There is a range, which goes from tedium to undivided attention. In between is the claim "I could write a book, about my life and it would sell out of the stores." Or I have gotten the sweet dig- "well anyone can write a book nowdays, I guess." Jaw and conversation drop! My favorite question opens the door- "What do you write?"
I smile, I gush my story out in a brief yet captivating pitch. An elevator pitch I think it's called, something that can peak their interest but wouldn't take longer than an elevator ride to the 18th floor. A few seconds will due. I try to keep it brief because any longer and you lose their interest any shorter and you don't get what you are waiting for -- The GASP!
That's when I first knew my story would work. When writing my story I gasped! I teared up, I broke into laughter and wrote it down.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Great Questions that I need to answer!

Why do you write? To answer quickly the first answer off the top of my head is... If I don't write the words down they will continue to ache inside my head. Repeating like -- and I don't mean to date myself -- but like a record player needle stuck on a scratch. Scenes playing and replaying in my head until finally they have to burst onto the page in all their anguish, happiness or laughter. Other than that, I write so my family would be proud of me, so that I can leave them with a part of me.

Friday, December 9, 2022

A game I often play Who would be the perfect actor to portray characters in Nights Arose? ~ Young Blaze~

We meet Blaze as a 16-year-old teen at the beginning of "Nights Arose.". Shy, kind of a goober, and the squire to Arose's Uncle Edmund. Arose has just returned from receiving the Gem of the Red Spirit from Old Bess. Her Step-Mother, Lady Katherine, is all but ready to hand her over to the magistrate as a witch. But her father gets word her Uncle's ship which is docked in Montego Bay. In comes, young Blaze, who rides all night to bring 10-year-old Arose back to the ship. He becomes her protector and best friend, until of course, she begins to bloom and then they must be separated... Until they meet again.
His name is Gavin but to me he is Young Blaze.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

WHO WOULD PLAY? ~ Captain Edmund DuMouchelle~

Who would play the characters...IF...and WHEN "Nights Arose" was made into a live action film? The easiest character to cast would be Uncle Edmund DuMouchelle. The character...a sea captain with nerves of steel. Machismo with guile and style. A gaze that could melt the cannon balls he sends flying through the air. I have two men on my wish list for him Robert Downey Jr. or Johnny Depp?
Both have the swaggar which would bring Captain Edmund to life. Both can pull off a straight hot beard and would look so intense peering out from under a feathered hat. Huh... I don't know but they top off my wish list... In more than one way. ;)

Nights Arose

Author of the Debut Novel "Nights Arose" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082H3XWT9